EASTER & the burden of the cross
Happy Easter and happy Spring Season,
I don’t know how you feel, but to me, every now and then, when I read the year 2024, I wonder how did this happen? It was just the mid 1990s and I started to pretend I was a grown-up already, banging my head with Kurt Cobain when the rage of my teenage years rolled over me, like a nasty hurricane, ripping my jeans and pretentiously slurping my first cocktails and smoking my first cigs (and hating it, but it looked so cool). And then there was the year 2001, in which I graduated and took off into the world, working as an actress and singer for many years already, earning my own money, living out of my car (because again it was so cool, yet so uncomfortable) and playing know-it-all, whilst knowing nothing truly useful about life. And then there was the year 2013 which turned my world upside down, making me question who I was and what I wanted, what I stood for, what I valued. The year in which all the collected memory of pain and suffering, joy and excitement, life and death, youth and adulthood started to weave like a tapestry into what should become the job of my choosing: being an interdisciplinary coach and advisor.
It lead me through behavioural therapy and NLP, to Kundalini Yoga, therapeutic meditation, mantra and sound, psychology, neuroscience, studies of the epigenetic and microbiome, dance, movement, body language and micro mimics, negotiation and holistic advisory, from leadership to personally navigating a life of success, passion, freedom and joy.
Sometimes I wonder how many lives I’ve lived so far. Has it only been 1? Or has it been 7 cat years? If you ask me, it feels like a 100. Those 100 lives used to be a heavy burden, until I decided to make use of them, which is what is my utmost desire. Bringing my learnings, my way of asking the right questions, my way of changing perspective and changing fate to you, so you can tap into your wisdom in such a way, that through bravery and trust, you become your own master, evolve and thrive in your best of abilities, and beyond.
No matter how dark your hole and how deep you're void, if you want to leave it all behind and take only the valuable qualities of your time spent on earth with you: now is the time! For it is the holiest of seasons in the Christian realm, and even if that religion does not apply to you ( and we’re not here to discuss its righteousness and absolution right now), yet I believe we shall value the wisdom all spiritual cultures and teachings come with and make use of their most inherent qualities: which are reflection, tradition, community.
Beyond Easter we also have the eclipse season rolling right above us, tricking our minds, challenging our emotions. This time of roughly two weeks is forcing us to step back and reflect, once again, and stop the permanent wish to move and manifest, requesting us to integrate what shall remain and release what shall pass, reminding ourselves to hold on for a brief moment and consider this simple saying: ‘Beware of what it is you wish for, it may become true’. Not all dreams are thought through. Not all dreams are the solution to our problems. Not all dreams are heaven per se. The grass is never greener elsewhere, unless you eradicate its enemies and fertilise and care for it. Which can be done right where you stand, right where you are, right now.
Which is why this newsletter is a reminder to take a step back, to remember the calm and peace you are, when nothing matters and everything is just right. Remember how it is you, who decides over how to answer to certain situations in life, compared to the moments when you loose yourself in REacting what others force upon you unconscious- and unwillingly. Remember how sometimes you ARE capable of choosing to take a moment, watching the birds fly, and the bees buzz, loving what is. Remember how it is YOU who claims the right to be valued and loved, by valuing and loving others first. Remember how your life seems to be in the best of FLOW, when you surrender to the true you, trusting your gut feeling and keeping your mind sharp and focused on what it is you deeply care for, vs. the times when your mind scatters between escapism and greed, tarnishing your ability to know and act upon it.
And as Jesus deliberately surrendered himself to the cross to carry it’s heavy burden through Judea, it is time to surrender to the burden you carry, to look at it with excitement for the teachings it holds, so you can finally and for all times, leave behind what no longer serves you, and extract from it what will become your greatest superpower: being the master over your own life, your believes, your values. And you will find your followers as Jesus found his disciples with his honesty and bravery, his surrender and commitment to the truth he found within. Attracting those who finally get to see you, for who you truly are, because you stop hiding behind what happened to you, and start sharing, what you chose to make from it. And that’s a light no-one can deny.
Happy Easter. Yours,
Team RISE.