Tolerate, create, harvest.
“There shall be eternal summer in the grateful heart.”
Van Morrison wrote: "It was an Indian summer, a bluebird sort of day as we call it in the North, warm and sunny, without a breath of wind; the water was sky-blue, the shores a bank of solid gold." Pure love and a directive eye, bringing the deep beauty of the golden moments of a life lived in constant transition, to our attention. Welcome to our first Indian summer edition of the year 2023,
dear reader.
There are only two more days until the infamous momentum of the Equinox, in which the light of day and the dark of night meet on eye level, creating perfect harmony for a world torn between light and dark, ease and weight, even good and bad, if you want. And as we see it in our seasons, we feel it every day increasingly growing within the media and global political debates, that have dramatically changed from using the tools of diplomacy, to being corrupted by the voices of division. Dividing our minds into thinking good or bad, being for or against; when the truth is always found in the middle.
I am not here to inform you about injustice or possible threats. I am here to keep your will and hope to living, believing in, and actively creating a world of conscious communication, willing understanding, open discourse, and deep connection beyond any form of divisive believes. I personally believe in freedom of heart, mind and soul, which is what I write about essentially.
I am also here to support your growth to living a life in abundance, love and peace. My tools lie within the body, mind and spirit. They are in the breath and in the movement, in the word and in the action, in the intention and the response. They are also in the plans we make and the people we reach out to, even when they are holding different believes, than we may do.
— “Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.” Viktor Frankl —
I come from a family of diplomats, so communication is in my blood, I assume. For me everything arises from where we have common interests, where we are same, not where we are different. Eversince I was a young girl I was fascinated by assemblies of people, coming together to argue, discuss, fight, agree and establish possible ways of living together in peace and tolerance. We have had this happening in our home many times, first within my grandfather’s circles, later around my parent’s circles. I grew up with the good fight. Therefore, I keep it alive and praise its chances. And here I am: WE HAVE A CHANCE. No we have many.
For example, we can come together and stop fooling ourselves over having to ACCEPT everyone for who they think they need to be, and instead practice TOLERANCE. What? Yes.
Acceptance is taking on other opinions, even when I have to deny my own — which I think is hurting, no matter what. Tolerance, on the other hand, is allowing myself to keep my own understanding of a topic, whilst staying open to listen to the ‘other side’, granting them the same right to be ‘right’ in their opinion, as I may be — as anyone else may be. It is tremendous chance to come together in one of our most common binding links: as humans who share a world in this time and space continuum. So sharing we shall.
Wherever I look, for the past years, I see people and groups claiming their rights, requesting others to step aside and make space. My believe, we all have enough space, we all can come together on eye level and find our place wherever we see ourselves fit. If there is no ‘spot’ within the leading forces, we make our own forces until they become the lead, BUT without exclamation others, like we have been exclamated in the past. If we want things to be different, we have to do them differently and not repeat the same mistakes for the ‘righteous’ cause. Righteousness in itself is what history claims it to be. And that changes dramatically over time. So better, we stay humane and come together as people, sharing what it is we truly want, instead of fighting what we don’t.
Which is also the main law of manifesting. Stop concentrating on knowing what you don’t want, and start knowing how you wish to feel in the days of living a life in abundance and truthfulness. Even if you don’t know where or with whom this will be, or what you will be doing, it will be ‘visible’ to you and to your body, once you tap into the feeling of the how.
Every night when you go to bed, imagine how you wish to feel when ‘he’ or ‘she’ is laying by your side, their scent, their touch, their love; feel this internal peace when you look out of your imaginary future window of your dream home, notice the scent, the breath of air on your skin, the sounds reaching your ears, notice the body feel when you move towards your dream job, the excitement, the contentment, the honesty and love, the passion and joy. Whatever it is you dream of, notice how you feel when everything is perfect. IS not will be. It IS perfect, for you ARE creating it right here and right now.
I have started doing that procedure roughly a year back, and EVERYTHING has fallen into place, for I have moved into a dream city, I am getting married to the most amazing man, my job is going into abundant directions, most offers even come all by themselves, I couldn’t even have asked for all this and so much more seems to be possible now.
Did I know any of that, any of those details before? No. Ten years back I wanted to end my life. I was hurting, and beaten by anxieties and rage. Then I chose to live and lost my plan B for good, stepping into plan A wholeheartedly.Meaning: I went all in. And this is when I suddenly knew how I wanted to feel, and it was big, grand, with sass, and sparkles and joy and peace and strength — and guess what, I do, almost every day. (Minus the almost inevitable hormonal turmoils, you know it ladies ;) )
I chose a song representing my life. I chose my colors of love, and I chose to live in service of the world. What that service looked like was still to be determined. I followed what I loved doing, what came effortless, what came in peace.
Finally, stay calm. Know, that all will be great, for it already is. And if you can’t see it, look for it in the space between your turmoils and worries. Do it like Viktor Frankl. Look for it in the silence between one thought and another, between the inhale and the exhale, between the moment you wake up and the moment you determine what the day may bring. Here already are all the answers you ever longed to find.
This is what I leave you with. Hope. You can experience what I am experiencing. I’ve read this statement many times before. This time I am the one writing it, because I was a believer once and I manifested it to become my truth. Now, I am a knowing one.
Esther & Team RISE
August 2023
— Happy Indian Summer. Enjoy the golden love of light and let it shine within you.
Is a phase of summer temperatures appending in fall.
”When European settlers first came across the phenomenon in America it became known as the Indian's Summer. The haziness of the Indian Summer weather was caused by prairie fires deliberately set by Native American tribes. It was the period when First Nations/Native American peoples harvested their crops.”
More thoughts on this: