Strength, wisdom, leadership.

"This morning, the sun endures past dawn. I realise that it is August: the summer's last stand."

—Sara Baume—

With the Lions Gate, at the peak of summer, the ultimate time of abundance and prosperity, we are welcoming the month of August and all it has in stock for you,

dear reader.

August, named after the glorious Cesar Augustus, whose name is ‘often associated with qualities such as strength, wisdom, and leadership. As such, it's a name that carries a great deal of spiritual importance for those who bear it. Many people believe that the name August is connected to the concept of spiritual growth and development’, as the month carries the symbol of eternity in it, referring to the number 8.

‘The symbol of infinity has a deep meaning for spirituality, love, beauty, and power. In a world filled with distraction and complications, the symbol of infinity represents a sense of simplicity and balance. It reminds us to be aware of where we are and what infinite possibilities, we have in front of us.’

And as those grand possibilities can bring a great deal of hope, so can they bring overwhelm and lack of focus. But here is the trick. For August is the hottest month in the year, here in the northern hemisphere, it consistently asks us to remaining in the flow of it all, instead of pushing where there is no push necessary.

I have recently been reminded how much we are being rewarded, when we truly follow our own heart. When we follow the path of effortlessness which is laid out in front of us, and instead of searching for the hidden gems, that may or may not be there, we simply walk our very own walk.

You now may think, I am telling you to not dream big, or not dare to ask for more than what you got, but the opposite is the case. I am telling you to follow your nose, follow the scent of the roses and apples that lingers in the air, follow the things that make your heart beat faster, even when you don’t know where that may take you. Follow your passions, learn, expand, execute new strategies because they simply feel right and come without any question or doubt. When we follow our true talents, everything comes so easy and what may be tough for others, seems to be a piece of cake to us. You could even say, that this is a discipline better trained well, for it creates the grandest of serendipities.

Despite the believe, that others watch us succeed or fail, which rarely anybody does for we are consumed with our own lives most of the time, it does become true the moment we really start to shine our light. This light does not go unseen, and people in our premises start to notice our effortless developments, wanting to understand what had happened, so they can learn and integrate our strategy into their own, seeking to become a beacon of light and hope themselves.

But how do we find the ease to simply let go of the kind of control, that blocks our authentic growth? As always, there are many ways to Rome (especially in the summer months when the Gotthard Tunnel is constantly blocked and the flights are constantly overbooked or under-respresented…), but one way is and will always be the most direct and maybe easiest to follow: Breath. Here are three Breathing Exercises that may carry you higher, or calm you in an instant:

1. When your mind freaks out because everyone seems to be ahead of you again: close your eyes and breathe calmly and deeply, trying to reach the last corners of your lungs. Breathing into the chest, then out, then into the flanks, then out, then into the back, then out, then into pelvic floor, then out. Repeat. As often and as long as you can and watch your thoughts transform and your emotions calm down.

2. When your body feels like it needs a massive sporty session to let go of stuck energy, but temperatures or fatigue keeps you from even moving a finger: Breathe. Roll your tongue, stick it out, keep an o-shaped mouth and breathe calmly but firmly through this fun posture called Vitali breath, calming and cooling your system.

3. If you think you lack excitement for anything and can’t get to motivate yourself one way or another try the Dopamine Breath. Inhale, Exhale. Inhale bring your chin up and your neck into your back, exhale your chin down towards your chest. Inhale chin up, and stick your tongue out as far as you can. Hold here for a moment. Exhale, relax the tongue bring your chin to your chest. Finally inhale the chin up, tongue goes out, as far as you can, hold your breath and count to ten. Exhale and bring your chin to your chest, relaxing the breath. Keep sitting in a normal relaxed posture and feel the Dopamine kick in.

—(Seeking guidance? Feel free to write and book your session.)—

Whatever it is you choose to do, do it mindfully, consciously, watch your system exaggerate and regulate. Concentrate on the next step ONLY. Try not to see too far into the future and make it a passion to infiltrate your nervous system with consciousness, learning to use the self-regulatory strategies of your body when needed. As you grew tall and your cells simply knew how and what to do, allow your life to grow big in its own way way and divine timing. The best you can do, is it to be present in what really moves and elevates you on a daily base. Consciously deciding to find rest in this harmony, will bring trust into the field of abundance, the field that simply knows how to expand (you). By simply bringing back the no-good-reason-why-but-I-will-do-it-anyways-trust, you once again open up the everlasting flow of YOUR biggest best life, like opening a damm, that was once a roaring river. — And yes, simply try it, even when it feels foolish. Just think for a moment: what have you got to lose really?! The stress of trying too hard, noticing that you don’t manage anything sustainable and fulfilling at all? The not fully being present either in one or the other world? The constant doubt, should I do this, or can I allow myself that? …You get my drift.

It sounds too simple? Well it is. I recently, let’s say for the last two years, practice this behaviour consciously on a daily base and cannot believe the miracles I experience. And coming from a super-non spiritual background, I must say, I am convinced and excited to find soothing in passing this knowledge on, for it is as true as it can get.

I, and the entire team of RISE, wish you a beautiful month of eternity and flow, restfulness and inner peace. May you trust your path, for it has trust in you.


Esther & Team RISE

August 2023

PS: For those who find it hard to calm down all by themselves, try this — FOR MUSICAL SUPPORT CLICK HERE …. it may help your calm to settle in drastically. Trust me, we’ve all tried here at team RISE, and we are sooooo calm its almost unbearable ;) —


“Embracing the Lion's Gate Portal:

As this gateway beckons, a heightened affinity for your passions and aspirations emerges. It's an occasion to peel back the layers of doubt and trepidation, listening intently to their whispers. Drastic life upheavals are not obligatory for profound change; even the subtlest alterations can reverberate through your existence. Amidst this cosmic canvas, petition the stars for your heart's yearnings.” …

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The Economic Times India


Everything in Life is Negotiation


One for all & all for one?